10 Simple Ways to Improve Wellness

10 Simple Ways to Improve Wellness

10 Simple Ways to Improve Wellness

Wellness is a state of good health impacted by daily behaviors and choices. Wellness is not a destination to be reached; rather, it is a journey that requires active engagement.

Pillars of wellness include food, hydration, physical activity, rest, sleep and socialization. Pay attention to habits in these areas of life in order to enhance overall well-being. Here are 10 simple ways to improve wellness.

  1. Eat more plant-based meals and snacks. Overall, people who eat more plant foods like fruit, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds have a lower risk of chronic diseases. 

  2. Keep plant-based food flavorful with spices, herbs, alliums and citrus juice and zest rather than salt.

  3. Embrace all food groups instead of following a restrictive diet.

  4. Master the art of mindful cooking and mindful eating. Cooking and eating with other people enhances the experience.

  5. Reward yourself without food by practicing self-care.

  6. Try creative ways to stay hydrated such as making infused water and eating hydrating foods.

  7. Stay physically active and have fun while doing it. Be active in parks, on community basketball courts, in local fitness studios or even at home.

  8. Prioritize sleep. Feeling refreshed and energized to tackle the day is important to well-being.

  9. Boost immunity and protect your health through meal and snack choices as well as sleep and exercise habits.

  10. Set goals for daily health behaviors. Goals give us a sense of purpose that we are moving forward in our wellness journey.

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