A Guide to Starting and Maintaining an Exercise Routine

A Guide to Starting and Maintaining an Exercise Routine

A Guide to Starting and Maintaining an Exercise Routine

Starting and maintaining an exercise routine is hard, especially when faced with challenges such as winter weather or busy schedules at home. But the benefits of regular exercise make the effort worth it. Being physically active reduces the risk of chronic diseases and can improve sleep, well-being and mood. Exercise also has an effect on immune health.

If you are starting an exercise routine…

  • Take it at your own pace. Warm up by doing cardiovascular activity for 5-10 minutes. 

  • Find ways to have fun while exercising.

  • Consider what keeps you accountable. Enlisting a workout buddy, writing down goals and joining in-person or virtual group fitness classes all can help you show up.

  • Keep a journal. Note how you feel after being physically active. It’s a bit cheesy to say “you never regret a workout,” but it’s true that most people feel better after moving their bodies. 

If you are maintaining an exercise routine…

  • Switch up your workouts. Your muscles adapt to doing the same exercises over time. Push yourself (and keep exercise interesting) by trying new workouts.

  • Set new goals. Make sure the goals are SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound).

  • Prepare for challenges. Winter weather and busy schedules at home are just two examples of challenges that arise. Plan ahead as much as possible.

  • Focus on your purpose. What is your reason for exercising? You are more likely to stick with a goal that comes from within.

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that adults do at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activity per week (ideally spread out throughout the week), plus muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days per week. Additional benefits are obtained when adults are more active than these recommendations. Overall, we should aim to move our bodies in different ways as often as we can.

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