10 Fast Facts About Apples

10 Fast Facts About Apples

Bananas may be the most popular fruit in the world, but there’s nothing like a crunchy apple in October, especially the incredible varieties from New York. Apples are not only delicious, but they also provide nutrition and other benefits.

  1. Keep the apple skin on! The skin of an apple has more antioxidant compounds and fiber, which is good for our gut health.

  2. Bite into a juicy apple to help reach hydration needs. Apples and other hydrating fruits and veggies contain over 80% water.

  3. Apples contain quercetin, a flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

  4. Apple sticks or slices add a crunch factor to meals and snacks that many people find satisfying. Try our Crunchy Apple and Cabbage Slaw.

  5. Whole apples provide about 4-5 grams of fiber, depending on the size. This includes soluble fiber, the type of fiber that may help manage blood cholesterol levels.

  6. One small apple is the equivalent of 1 cup of fruit. Aim for 1-2+ cups of fruit per day, depending on your preferences and needs.

  7. Cook with apples in new ways to keep your taste buds interested. Use your microwave to bake apple slices with spices. Make your own applesauce with cinnamon in a slow cooker. Bake apple slices in the oven to make dried apple chips. Pair apple slices with Chai Spiced Almond Butter.

  8. Apples contain pectin, a type of fiber that is a prebiotic. Prebiotics act as food for our good gut bacteria. Keep your gut happy and healthy by eating apples.

  9. If you can, go apple picking! Not only will you gather your own delicious apples, but you will also enjoy the benefits of the physical activity required to pick your own fruit.

  10. To keep apples fresher for longer, store them in the refrigerator. They will keep well for 1-2 months or more.

8 New Ways to Eat Apples

8 New Ways to Eat Apples

Crunchy Apple and Cabbage Slaw

Crunchy Apple and Cabbage Slaw